Kerberos DB Setup

LDAP as a Kerberos store

© 2014 Dennis Leeuw dleeuw at made-it dot com
License: GPLv2 or later


    1. Introduction
    2. Add accounts to maintain the Kerbersos database
    3. Creating the Kerberos Database
    4. Testing the newly created DB
    5. Adding slaves


MIT kerberos needs a stand alone update process from the master to the slave servers and that process needs to be run from cron. An easier solution is to add the Kerberos database to LDAP. Since we already have OpenLDAP running and the database is already replicated to slave servers and we intent to run Kerberos on the same servers as the LDAP servers, we might as well use LDAP as the backend for Kerberos.

This document will describe how to setup both OpenLDAP and MIT Kerberos to support this configuration.

Add accounts to maintain the Kerbersos database

Add to ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com two security objects that are needed for the maintenance of the kerberos database. The first object is krb5-kdc. This the account needed for the KDC servers to contact the LDAP database. The next account is krb5-adm, which is needed by the master KDC that also has the kadmind daemon running.

A simple LDIF for the accounts might look like this (use slappasswd to create the password hashes):

dn: uid=krb5-kdc,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: account
objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
uid: krb5-kdc
userPassword: {SSHA}COFFEE123456789BAD
description: LDAP account for the Kerberos KDC
seeAlso: slapd ACL section

dn: uid=krb5-adm,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: account
objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
uid: krb5-kdc
userPassword: {SSHA}BAD1234567CAFEBABE
description: LDAP account for the Kerberos kadmind
seeAlso: slapd ACL section

To tell kdc and kadmind what their passwords are by creating a stash-file that contains the same passwords as used in the LDIF entry:

mkdir /etc/secrets
chmod 755 /etc/secrets
kdb5_ldap_util stashsrvpw -f /etc/secrets/krb5-ldap.pass uid=krb5-kdc,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com
kdb5_ldap_util stashsrvpw -f /etc/secrets/krb5-ldap.pass uid=krb5-adm,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com
chown root:root /etc/secrets/krb5-ldap.pass
chmod 0750 /etc/secrets/krb5-ldap.pass
Of course on slave Kerberos servers you only need the krb5-kdc account.

To give the accounts enough access to our LDAP tree, we need to add the following ACLs:

# Access to realm container
access to dn.subtree="cn=EXAMPLE.COM,cn=mit-krb5,ou=apps,dc=example,dc=com"
       by dn.exact="cn=krb5-kdc,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com" read
       by dn.exact="cn=krb5-adm,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com" write
       by * none

# Access to the user principals
access to dn.subtree="ou=people,dc=example,dc=com 
	by dn.exact="cn=krb5-kdc,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com" read
	by dn.exact="cn=krb5-adm,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com" write
	by * none

# Access to the computer principals
access to dn.subtree="ou=devices,dc=example,dc=com 
	by dn.exact="cn=krb5-kdc,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com" read
	by dn.exact="cn=krb5-adm,ou=dso,dc=example,dc=com" write
	by * none

The last part is to add krbPrincipalKey to the line that limits access to the userPassword.

Creating the Kerberos Database

To be able to add Kerberos attributes to the LDAP database we need to include the kerberos.schema file. This file can be found on a Red Hat based system in /usr/share/doc/krb5-server-ldap-x.y.z/kerberos.schema and on a Debian based system it is present as /usr/share/doc/krb5-kdc-ldap/kerberos.schema.gz. Copy this file to your OpenLDAP schema directory and add to your slapd.conf the following line:

For Red Hat based systems:

include /etc/openldap/schema/kerberos.schema
For Debian based systems:
include /etc/ldap/schema/kerberos.schema

We are going to build a network with a hidden master and readonly slaves so we do not want the slave to update the succesful login date field in our database, that why you will find the disable_last_success entry. We assume slapd and kdc run on the same machine. If your LDAP server does not run on the same machine as the KDC change the ldap_servers line to point to your master LDAP server.

    kdc_ports  = 88
    v4_mode    = none

    admin_server = SYSLOG:INFO:DAEMON

        database_module = EXAMPLE.COM
	key_stash_file  = /etc/secrets/krb5-kdc.stash

        db_library = kldap

    ldap_servers               = ldapi:///
    ldap_kerberos_container_dn = "cn=mit-krb5,ou=apps,dc=examle,dc=com"
    ldap_kdc_dn                = "uid=krb5-kdc,ou=dso,dc=examle,dc=com"
    ldap_kadmind_dn            = "uid=krb5-adm,ou=dso,dc=examle,dc=com"
    ldap_service_password_file = /etc/secrets/krb5-ldap.pass
    ldap_conns_per_server      = 5
    disable_last_success       = true

On our master server we want tools to talk to our own system and not a remote LDAP server, nor a remote KDC. To accomplish this we create a /etc/krb5.conf file with the following content:

    dns_lookup_realm = false
    dns_lookup_kdc   = false
    default_realm    = EXAMPLE.COM

        kdc = localhost

[domain_realm] = EXAMPLE.COM = EXAMPLE.COM
We do not do DNS lookups, we use our own KDC (if you have an older version of MIT Kerberos you might want to use the FQDN, use netstat to figure out if "localhost" works).

Now that these files are in place we can create the initial database in LDAP:

kdb5_ldap_util -D "cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com" create -s -sf /etc/secrets/krb5-kdc.stash
You are first asked to provide the password for the account (cn=manager) that is able to make the changes in the LDAP tree and second you should provide a KDC database master key. This key should be stored in a safe somewhere, it is like the root password for the KDC.

Add to the slapd.conf file the following line:

index krbPrincipalName eq
and create the index database by stopping slapd and running:
slapindex -b "dc=example,dc=com"
After the command is finished, make sure the access rights on the newly created index file in /var/lib/ldap are set correctly. On the slave servers do the same and also start slapd again, and finaly start slapd on the master.

Testing the newly created DB

service krb5kdc start


kadmin.local:  listprincs

Adding slaves

A Kerberos slave is nothing more then just the KDC without the administration server. Since we use LDAP for replicating the database, there is not much we need to do to create a slave.

on the slave we need:

You can copy the krb5.conf from the master. Next you can copy the /etc/secrets/krb5-kdc.stash and /etc/secrets/krb5-ldap.pass files. From this last file remove the line that starts with uid=krb5-adm, so the slaves only know the krb5-kdc account. Finaly copy the kdc.conf from the master and remove the admin_server and ldap_kadmind_dn lines. That's all you can now start the KDC service.